2013 Budget Open House on Monday, April 15 at 7 p.m.
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Drop in to the budget open house this coming Monday in the Village Council Chambers and spend some time talking budget, capital projects, and operating expenditures with Council members and staff. This is your chance to tell Council members what you think about the proposed 2013-2017 financial plan bylaw before it is considered for second and third reading on April 22nd.
Highlights of the proposed budget:
Underground Services and Transportation
- completion of the Coal Creek well and Camp Road water line replacement
- water line replacement projects for sections of Second Street, Maryport Avenue, and Allen Avenue
- Stevens Lake dam and Cumberland No.2 dam upgrades and ultraviolet treatment (subject to elector approval)
- sewer line replacement projects for sections of Third Street, and in a number of alleyways in the Village
- road reconstruction of Third Street between Derwent Avenue and Penrith Avenue
- replacement of a street sweeper and dump truck
- a new Welcome to Cumberland sign on Cumberland Road
Protective Services
- land acquisition for new fire hall
- breathing apparatus and turnout gear replacement
Parks and Recreation
- Village Park upgrades including a new children’s play structure
- improvements to the boat launch at Lake Park
- new treadmill in the fitness studio
Facility Upgrades
- implementing a number of upgrades at municipal facilities to reduce the Village’s carbon footprint
What about the Potholes?
Council members have heard that one of residents’ top priorities is road improvements. There are some road improvements already planned for the next few years along with upgrades to water, sewer and storm sewer. Council has also identified the creation of a road and utility rehabilitation plan as one of its Strategic Priorities.
Once this plan is completed by the end of 2013, the Village will have a database of which roads in the Village need sewer and water line work and road base reconstruction before they can be resurfaced. The plan will also identify roads which do not need major reconstruction and that can be resurfaced sooner than later.
What about Bike Lanes on Cumberland Road?
The proposed host community agreement for the Comox Lake Waste Management Centre contains provisions that the Comox Valley Regional District would provide Cumberland with $3 million to fund the design and construction of a one-time upgrade to the Cumberland Road/Bevan Road corridor. If this agreement is approved by the electors, the Village would proceed with designing this road reconstruction project. At that time, it would be determined whether bike lanes could be accommodated along Cumberland Road.
Where Can I Find More Information?
View the Budget Information Package
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