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Alternate Approval Processes (AAPs)

This page was last reviewed on June 17, 2024.

Current Alternate Approval Processes

Find out more about why the Village needs the Wastewater Upgrades project.

Wastewater Upgrade Project Loan Authorization No. 2 Bylaw No. 1207, 2024

On June 11, 2024, the Village of Cumberland received elector approval to adopt a loan authorization bylaw to borrow up to an additional $2.5 million for a maximum term of 20 years for construction of the wastewater treatment upgrade project. Seventeen elector response forms were received. The Council will consider adoption of Wastewater Upgrade Project Loan Authorization No. 2 Bylaw No. 1207, 2024 in late June 2024.

This proposed borrowing would result in an additional increase in taxes to cover capital debt repayment and interest for the project. The financial impact of the additional borrowing of $2.5 million over a 20 year debt term at a 4.5% interest rate is estimated to be $113 per parcel to be added to property owners’ annual tax levy starting in 2026, for 20 years, once the project is completed. This is in addition to the borrowing previously approved in 2018 that will add an estimated $199 in taxes per parcel per year. Find out more about the project.

Approval to adopt “Wastewater Upgrade Project Loan Authorization No. 2 Bylaw No. 1207, 2024” is being sought through an alternative approval process (AAP). The Council may adopt the bylaw unless by June 11, 2024 at 4 p.m. at least 348 electors, which is 10% of the electors of the Village of Cumberland, sign and submit an elector response form opposing the borrowing unless the Village of Cumberland holds a vote.

Elector responses must be submitted in the form established by the Village, or an accurate copy of the form. Forms are available at the Village office and on this webpage. The only persons entitled to sign the forms are the electors of the Village of Cumberland. Completed elector response forms must be submitted to the Village Office by the deadline of June 11, 2024 at 4 p.m.

Elector Response Form – Print and sign the form, then submit the completed form to the Village Office by the deadline.

Notice of Alternative Approval Process
Non-resident property elector consent form
Wastewater Upgrade Project Loan Authorization No. 2 Bylaw No. 1207, 2024

About the Alternate Approval Process

Local governments consult citizens in decision-making through informal and formal means. For certain matters, local governments are required by the Province to obtain elector approval before a council can proceed with its decision, such as for long-term capital borrowing, boundary extensions, and some parkland disposal. This elector approval may be obtained either through assent voting or through the alternative approval process (AAP).

The AAP process allows eligible electors at least 30 days from the date of publication of a second notice to submit an elector response form to indicate that they are opposed to the proposal. When 10% or more of the eligible electors sign and submit response forms, the local government cannot proceed with the matter proposed without obtaining approval through an assent vote.

For each individual AAP process, elector response forms are established by the local government and are specific to each proposal. Also for each individual AAP, the local government must make a fair determination of the number of electors to which the AAP applies. This number forms the basis of the 10% threshold for each AAP.

Find out more about AAP process from the Province of B.C.

Eligibility Requirements

Only electors of the Village of Cumberland are eligible to sign and submit an elector response form. There are two types of electors: resident electors and non-resident property electors.

Resident Elector

A resident elector is an individual who is entitled to sign an elector response form during an AAP by virtue of living within the Village of Cumberland. When signing an elector response form, a resident elector must:

  • be 18 years of age or older,
  • be a Canadian citizen,
  • have been a resident of British Columbia for at least six months,
  • be a resident of the Village of Cumberland,
  • live in the area defined for the AAP,
  • not be disqualified under the Local Government Act, or any other enactment from voting in a local election, or be otherwise disqualified by law.

Non-Resident Property Elector

A non-resident property elector is an individual that does not live in the Village of Cumberland and who is entitled to sign an elector response form during an AAP by virtue of owning property in the Village of Cumberland. When signing an elector response form, a non-resident property elector must:

  • be 18 years of age or older,
  • be a Canadian citizen,
  • have been a resident of British Columbia for at least six months,
  • be a registered owner of property in the Village of Cumberland for at least 30 days,
  • own property in the area defined for the AAP,
  • not be disqualified under the Local Government Act, or any other enactment from voting in a local election, or be otherwise disqualified by law.

Note: Only one non-resident property elector per property may sign an elector response form, regardless of how many people own the property. That owner must have the written consent of a majority of the other property owners to sign the response form on their behalf. The Village of Cumberland has forms available for non-resident property electors to use when gaining written consent from the other property owners for this AAP. Property owned in whole or in part by a corporation does not qualify under the non-resident property elector provisions.

Previous Alternate Approval Processes

Fire Hall Loan Authorization Bylaw No. 1122, 2019

The Council of the Village of Cumberland received the approval of the electors through an alternative approval process (AAP) to adopt a loan authorization bylaw to borrow up to $4.2 million for a maximum term of 30 years to construct a new Fire Hall at 4382 Cumberland Road in 2020. The bylaw was adopted on December 16, 2019.

This project resulted in an increase in taxes for capital debt repayment and operating costs for the fire protection service. For a residence with average assessment of $431,847, the financial impact was estimated to be $142 per year for a 20 year debt term at a 4% interest rate. The impact on a commercial property with median assessment of $306,150 was estimated to be $294 per year for a 20 year debt term at a 4% interest rate.

Notice of Alternative Approval Process

Certification of Results

Find out more about the Fire Hall construction project.

Wastewater Upgrade Project Loan Authorization Bylaw No. 1084, 2018

The Council of the Village of Cumberland sought the approval of the electors through an alternative approval process to adopt a loan authorization bylaw to borrow up to $4.4 million for a maximum term of 20 years to construct an upgraded wastewater treatment project.

This project would result in an increase of taxes and fees due to increased operating costs and capital debt repayment. The financial impact depended on whether the Village receives senior government infrastructure funding and ranges from $310 per year to $449 per year for a typical residential parcel.

Notice of Alternative Approval Process

Certification of Results

The Village did not receive elector approval through this AAP process. Find out more about the Wastewater Upgrade Project and the subsequent asset vote to obtain elector assent. The bylaw was adopted on November 26, 2018.

Water Improvements Loan Authorization Bylaw No. 1063, 2017

The Village of Cumberland conducted an Alternative Approval Process (AAP) to gain the approval of the electors to borrow $1 050 100 for a maximum 30-year term for improvements to the drinking water system, including the construction of a reservoir, construction of a chlorine and UV treatment plant and twinning of the supply line. The total estimated cost of the improvements is $6 038 400.

The bylaw was adopted on August 14, 2017.

Certification of Results

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