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Community Grant Program

This page was last reviewed on January 23, 2025.

The purpose of the Community Grant Program is to provide a limited amount of funding to assist community organizations to provide social, cultural, recreational and environmental services that benefit the residents of Cumberland. The program is not intended to provide annual operating funding.

Project Eligibility

Applications will be accepted for a minimum of $2000 in funding for

(a) a one-time special project or service,

(b) seed operating funding to assist with initial operations and establishing revenue sources for a new project or service, and

(c) a one-time special event or seed funding for a new special event provided that it is a community event held primarily for Cumberland residents.

Applications must be for community projects or services that further the Village’s strategic priorities and objectives, including:

  • Meaningful reconciliation with Indigenous Peoples
  • Socio-economic diversity and inclusion, including food security and accessibility
  • Thriving community arts, culture and recreation
  • Multi-modal transportation, including active travel
  • Effective response to climate change, including reduction in greenhouse gases

Applicant Eligibility

Applicants must

  • be a not-for-profit society or not-for-profit organization
  • provide services to Cumberland residents or provide other direct benefit to the Cumberland community.
  • demonstrate financial need
  • show how the service or project furthers the priorities and strategic objectives of the Village of Cumberland.
  • provide information on future revenue generation for ongoing operations for a seed operating funding,

The 2025 Application Deadline is Monday 10 a.m. February 24, 2025.

How to apply

  1. View the Community Grant Program Guidelines.
  2. Download the application form or email for a fillable PDF form.
  3. Save it to your computer.
  4. Complete the application.
  5. Submit the completed application and supporting documentation by the deadline date to


Organizations that receive a community grant must submit a report each year by January 31. Please be sure to save your completed report to your computer before closing.

2024 Grant Allocations

Beaufort Family Health Society: $3,000
Comox Valley Child Development Association: $4,000
Rotary Club of Cumberland: $2,000

2023 Grant Allocations

Cumberland Culture and Arts Society: $2,000
Comox Valley Community Health Network: $5,000
1st Cumberland Scouts: $3,000

2022 Grant Allocations

Comox Bay Care Society: $4,900
Cumberland and District Historical Society: $1,400
Weird Church: $2,100

2021 Grant Allocations

Cumberland Community School Parents Association: $2,625
Cumberland Culture and Arts Society: $2,800
Royal Canadian Legion: $2,100
Youth and Ecological Restoration Program: $2,100
Comox Valley Broombusters: $375

2020 Grant Allocations

Cumberland Business Society: $4,000
Cumberland Community Schools Society: $6,000

2019 Grant Allocations

Cascadia Poetics Lab: $2,000
Comox Valley Farmers Market: $2,000
Comox Valley Pipe Band Society: $1,000
Cumberland Culture and Arts Society: $2,000
Steam Donkey Racing Club: $1,000

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