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Current Land Development Applications

This page was last reviewed on February 4, 2025.

Quarterly Development Services Reports

These reports include summaries of current development applications, permit applications, subdivision applications, and building permit activity.

Adjacent Owners Notifications

Some development applications require mailed notification to owners of properties within 75m of proposed development.

Recent Notices:

Notice of Development Variance Permit – 2739 Dunsmuir Avenue

Notice of Public Information Meeting – Lot A Ulverston Zoning Bylaw Amendment

Notice of Public Information Meeting – 3284 Second Street: Application for an OCP and Zoning Bylaw Amendments

Significant Development Applications in Progress

Address Details Application Type Status
4703 Cumberland Rd Subdivision to facilitate seven bare-land strata lots for single-family homes. Subdivision Complete

See Info Below

Lot A (vacant) Ulverston Avenue Bylaw amendments to permit development of this vacant property with apartment buildings and townhouses. Zoning Bylaw amendment to permit multi-family residential development In progress

See Info Below

Comox Lake Road/Horbury Road Bylaw amendments to permit the existing 25 cabins on the property and the potential to subdivide into 25 strata lots. OCP and Zoning amendment to allow subdivision See Info Below
Penrith Avenue Extension Coal Valley Estates Phase 11 for 69 residential lots and 8 multi-family lots. Subdivision

Development Permit

Development Variance Permit

On Hold

More Information

3345 Second Street


Amendment to RM-4 zone to increase height from three to four stories for an affordable rental apartment building. Zoning Amendment

Development Variance Permit

Development Permit amendment

In progress

More Information

3284 Second Street Cumberland Guest House Bylaw amendments to allow the continued operation of a tourist accommodation Rezoning and OCP Amendment In Progress

See Info Below

No Civic Address – Bevan Road Subdivision application for fourteen lot industrial subdivision Subdivision

Development Permit

Development Variance Permit

In Progress

See Info Below


4703 Cumberland Road


The Village has received an application to subdivide 4703 Cumberland Road into seven bare-land strata lots for single-family homes.

The applicant has completed all requirements of the subdivision application. As such, the project has received final approval. Building permit applications are required for the future single-family dwellings on the individual lots.

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Lot A, Ulverston Avenue

The applicant for a rezoning of Lot A, on Ulverston Avenue is hosting a public information meeting on their proposed development. The public is invited to attend the meeting to ask questions and provide feedback. This is the second public information meeting to present a revised concept from the initial one presented in February 2024.

Monday, February 3, 2025
4:00 pm to 6:00 pm
Masonic Hall, 2687 Dunsmuir Ave


In late 2023, the Village received an application to rezone the vacant Lot A on Ulverston Avenue from RU-1 Rural One to a new mixed-use zone. The initial development concept plan proposed 38 townhouses, two 4-storey rental apartment buildings, and one 3-storey building with commercial space on the ground level and apartment units above. The proposal also included underground parking for the 3- and 4-storey buildings, parkland, and a public multi-use trail. The applicant held a public information meeting at the Masonic Hall to present the development concept on March 14, 2024.

In response to public comments, findings of an environmental study and riparian area assessment, the applicant revised their initial development concept plan. Following discussions with the Advisory Planning Commission (APC) over two meetings in 2024, further changes were made.

The revised development concept proposes:

  • Two 5-storey rental apartment buildings with approx. 128 units (reduced from 180 units)
  • 32 townhouse units clustered around the apartment buildings (reduced from 38 units)
  • 10 percent of apartments rented below market rent for a period of ten years
  • Ground floor commercial space below apartment units
  • Main access road from Ulverston Avenue to the commercial units
  • Wide pedestrian walkways and landscaping along the access road
  • Surface parking in several small blocks of stalls interspersed with landscaping and trees
  • Street trees
  • Larger park dedication around the creek and wetland and protection of mature trees
  • Multi-use trail connecting end of Carlisle Lane, Ravenwood Park and Ulverston Avenue

In addition to the revised site layout, the applicant is also providing a conceptual design of the development (pages 2 and 3 of the revised development concept)

Further information on the rezoning application is available in staff reports presented at the following meetings:

August 8, 2024 APC meeting

September 12, 2024 APC meeting

October 1, 2024 Council meeting

Questions or comments can be emailed to

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Comox Lake Road/Horbury Road: OCP Amendment and Rezoning – Comox Lake Land Corporation Property

The Comox Lake Land Corporation, representing 25 cabin owners off Horbury Road on Comox Lake, is seeking to amend the Village of Cumberland’s Official Community Plan and Zoning Bylaw. The purpose of the proposed bylaw amendments is to permit the existing 25 cabins on the property and to add the potential to subdivide into 25 strata lots. Current zoning permits one single family dwelling and the property cannot be subdivided.

The cabins were constructed in the early 1900s before any zoning and building regulations were in place and don’t conform to today’s OCP and Zoning Bylaw (they are not a permitted use). However, because they predate today’s bylaws, the cabins can be maintained, repaired or altered. They cannot be enlarged.

Comox Lake is the drinking water supply for over 49,000 Comox Valley residents. Since the cabins are located on Comox Lake, the most important principle guiding the review of the application is to ensure that the residential use on the lake does not negatively impact the drinking water supply of Comox Valley residents, now or in the future.

Environmental, geotechnical, stormwater, emergency access, water and wastewater system reports were submitted as part of the application. A summary report is available here.

At the August 9, 2021 meeting, Village Council passed a resolution to send early referrals for comment on the application to the K’omoks First Nation and key government agencies, including the Comox Valley Regional District, the Comox Lake Watershed Advisory Group and Island Health.

Staff presented the referral comments and recommendations for Zoning and Official Community Plan bylaw amendments at the August 8, 2022 Council meeting. Council referred the report to the Advisory Planning Commission for comment at the September 8, 2022 APC meeting.

Over the past year, staff have worked with the Comox Lake Land Corporation to revise the initial application to find ways to address issues identified in environmental, engineering and geotechnical studies completed as part of the rezoning application. The Land Corporation membership reviewed and approved the revised application in September 2023. Official Community Plan and Zoning Amendment bylaws will be presented to Council in early 2024. Check upcoming Council meeting agendas for a date for the introduction of the bylaws. Comments on the application can be sent to

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3284 Second Street (Cumberland Guest House)

The Village has received an application to permit a motel to facilitate the continued operation of a tourist accommodation. The property hosts the Cumberland Guest House and requires a rezoning to continue operating owing to provincial vacation rental requirements.

The applicant wishes to redesignate the subject property from “Residential Infill” to “Mixed Land Use” as defined in the Official Community Plan, and amend the R-1A – Infill Residential Zone for this property only. The applicant is working with staff to resolve comments arising from the initial review. The bylaws will be presented to Council for review at a later date.

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Bevan Road (Acciano)

The Village has received an application for a fourteen lot subdivision on Bevan Road. This property is the next phase of the Bevan industrial lands. The applicant received a preliminary layout review (PLR) letter and is working with staff to resolve conditions of this application.

The applicant has submitted a development permit, development variance permit and Local Government Act frontage requirement waiver application, to facilitate the proposed lot layout. These matters were considered and adopted by Council at the January 27, 2025 regular meeting of Council. Approval of these applications was required to proceed with the requested lot layout.

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