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Disc Golf at Coal Creek Historic Park

This page was last reviewed on April 9, 2024.

Everyone is welcome to the Cumberland disc golf course at Coal Creek Historic Park in Cumberland.

Find out more about the course and get course maps from the Comox Valley Disc Golf Club.

How to Get There

Coal Creek Historic Park is located on Comox Lake Road west of Cumberland Village core.

View a map of Cumberland parks and look for Jumbo’s Cabin and the historic Chinatown site. Limited parking is available near Jumbo’s cabin.

The course is located just south of the historic Cumberland Chinatown site in the park. Hole #1 is located 300m south of the parking lot at Jumbo’s cabin parking area.

Onsite parking is limited so we encourage you to walk, hike or bike to the park by way of

  • Dunsmuir Avenue west (Camp Road),
  • Porky’s Path off Sutton Road,
  • Mama Bear’s Trail of Tears in the Cumberland Community Forest, or
  • Comox Lake Road.

If you don’t have a disc, drop into Cumberland Recreation Centre to rent a disc. Call Cumberland Recreation at 250-336-2231 for more information. Maps of the Cumberland trail system can be viewed at Cumberland Recreation or can be purchased at local bike shops.

About the Development of the Course

Opened in March 2016, the 18 hole course was developed as a trial operation until the end of 2016 in partnership with the Comox Valley Disc Golf Club (CVDGC). At the end of 2016, the Village, CVDGC and other park stakeholders assessed the course and its impacts on the park. Council approved the Disc Golf Course as a long-term park amenity in November 2016.

View the 2015 disc golf course proposal.

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