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Employment Opportunity: Planner 1

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The Village of Cumberland is seeking a full-time, permanent Planner 1. Reporting to the Manager of Development Services, the Planner 1 plays an integral role in the review and processing of planning and subdivision applications, and assists in the development of planning policies, guidelines and regulations related to urban design, heritage and community development.

For more information, please contact Courtney Simpson, Manager of Development Services at 250-336-3019. To apply for this position, forward a cover letter and your resume in confidence to

Applications will be received until 11:00am on Thursday June 22, 2023. Applications will be reviewed as they are received, and applicants may be contacted prior to the closing date.

The Village offers a competitive salary with a comprehensive benefits package and the opportunity to work with an outstanding team. For more details and the full job description, please visit our employment page.

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