Fire Protection Services
This page was last reviewed on May 7, 2024.

Cumberland Fire Rescue volunteers aerial ladder rescue training with Courtenay Fire Department in 2013.
Cumberland Fire Rescue provides fire prevention and protection services to the residents of Cumberland. It is a volunteer department with 24 active members and 4 junior members.
The Fire Department also issues
- outdoor burning permits for backyard recreational fires, and
- fireworks permits.
Learn more about outdoor burning. Cumberland Fire Rescue also coordinates the Village’s Emergency Program.
Firefighter Recruitment and Training
Cumberland Fire Rescue makes Cumberland safer by responding to fires and other incidents, and protecting residents and property. Training programs typical begin in September each year. The junior firefighter program eligibility is 16 and 17 year old.
Call 250-336-2531 or stop by the Fire Hall at 4724 Cumberland Road to inquire about training opportunities.
Smoke Alarms Save Lives
The BC Fire Code requires that all dwellings have either hard wired or battery-operated smoke alarms installed. Ninety-five per cent of Canadian homes have at least one smoke alarm. This explains why far fewer Canadians die in house fires now than back in the 1970s. Please test your smoke alarm at least once a year. It’s easy to remember to do when the time changes each spring and fall.
A fire may build rapidly and spread toxic gases and blinding smoke throughout your home or it may start small and smolder slowly, all the while emitting deadly toxic gases. Most fatalities in house fires occur at night and are caused by breathing smoke and toxic fumes, rather than by burns. Smoke and fumes can quickly overcome residents, particularly if they are asleep. Your nose goes to sleep when you do. By detecting smoke, a smoke alarm gives an early warning of fires and sounds the alarm to wake you up.
The proper placement of smoke alarms is very important to achieve the best results and maximum protection. Always refer to the manufacturer’s instructions or call the Cumberland Fire Department for advice and assistance. For minimum protection, place detectors in hallways outside sleeping areas, and one alarm on each level, including the basement. A passageway or corridor between the living areas and the bedrooms is an ideal location. Homes with separate sleeping areas need extra alarms. You should have a smoke alarm within 5 m of each bedroom door.
Call the Fire Department at 250-336-2531 or stop by for inquiries about:
- volunteering
- fire prevention programs
- school and educational programs
- smoke detectors
Recreational burning permits (for campfires) can be obtained from the Village office or online.
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