Heritage Committee
This page was last reviewed on November 4, 2024.
The Heritage Committee is tasked with:
- working with Village staff and consultants in the implementation of the Village’s heritage management plan including developing statements of significance for historic sites and buildings within the Village;
- working with Village staff and consultants in maintaining and updating the Community Heritage Register;
- advising Council on matters referred to it by Council;
- reviewing and making recommendations on development applications within any Heritage Conservation Area (HCA) or Heritage Revitalization Development Permit Areas through a referral from Council;
View the Committee’s full Terms of Reference.
The application period for joining the Heritage Committee is currently closed.
The Heritage Committee typically meets the third Thursday of each month at 4:00 p.m.
View meeting agendas and minutes.
Marianne Bell
Meaghan Cursons
Hugh McLean
Lois Harris
Lulu Kanters
Eric Pattison
Kaili Zevenbergen
Councillor Borecky
Councillor Therrien, alternate
Council may appoint up to ten community-at-large members and one Council member to the Heritage Committee.
Committee members should broadly represent the various interests of the community, including but not limited to heritage conservation, history, business, development, environment, tourism, architecture, and design.
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