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This page was last reviewed on September 18, 2024.

iMap GIS Viewer

View the Village of Cumberland’s iMap viewer (GIS) for

  • Property information, including legal descriptions and house numbers
  • Zoning and OCP designations of properties
  • Aerial photography and contours

View the Village’s iMAP tutorial video here.

To access the above information, click on the layer icon, the second icon in the top right hand corner of your screen, and select the layers you want to be able to see. The aerial photography is accessible via the third icon, the four squares, in the top right hand corner of the screen.

After you have selected the layers, click on the property for which you want the information. A window with the legal description for that property will open. To access further information, click on the small arrow in the top right hand corner of the window.

Zoning Maps

Find land use zoning maps on the Zoning Bylaw page.

Official Community Plan Maps

You can find future land use maps, development permit maps, and heritage conservation area maps in Appendix B of the Official Community Plan Bylaw.

Community Parks & Trails

View community parks and trails maps on the Parks, Trails and Playgrounds page. Find links for mountain biking resources.

Future Road Network

View the Road Network Master Plan map on the Plans, Reports and Studies page.

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