About Council Meetings
This page was last reviewed on December 19, 2024.
The powers, duties and functions of a municipality are to be exercised and performed by its elected council, which is a municipality’s governing body. Find out more about Cumberland Council.
View the Council Procedure Bylaw.
Regular Council Meetings
Regular meetings are usually held on the second and fourth Monday of each month at 5:30 p.m. in the Council Chamber at 2675 Dunsmuir Avenue. When a holiday falls on a Monday, the regular meeting takes place on the Tuesday or on another Monday. Council sets its regular meeting schedule each fall for the following year.
Watching a Meeting Live Stream Video
Council meetings are live streamed and recorded for public access and convenience on the Village’s Youtube channel. Meetings are not cancelled, postponed, or delayed if there are technical issues with the livestream.
2025 Council Meeting Schedule
View the 2025 meeting schedule in PDF format.
January 13
January 27
February 10
February 24
March 10
March 24
April 7
April 28
May 12
May 26
June 9
June 23
July 14
July 28
September 2
September 15
October 6
October 27
November 10
November 24
December 8
Special Council Meetings
Special meetings are meetings scheduled outside of the regular meeting schedule. Notice of a special council meeting must be given to the public and all members of council at least 24 hours before the time of the meeting by posting the notice on the meeting agendas and minutes page and at the Village Office.
Committee of the Whole Meetings
The Committee of the Whole (COTW) is a committee of all members of council. COTW meetings are more informal than Council meetings and allow for more discussion on matters on the agenda. The Committee of the Whole may give direction to staff or make recommendations to Council. Committee of the Whole scheduled meetings in 2025 will start at 3:00 p.m. followed by Regular Council meeting of the month at 5:30 p.m.
Notice of Committee of the Whole meetings must be given at least 24 hours before the meeting, but usually the meeting is publicized well in advance of the meeting.
January 27
February 24
March 24
April 28
May 26
June 23
July 28
September 15
October 27
November 24
**Financial Plan Committee of the Whole Meetings
October 14 at 9:00 a.m.
October 20 at 9:00 a.m.
Village Hall Meetings
Council holds Village Hall meetings three or four times a year. Village Hall meetings are informal and residents have the opportunity to bring forward matters for discussion with council members.
March 3 at 7 p.m.
June 2 at 7 p.m.*
November 17 at 7 p.m. (Village Hall Financial Plan)
*This meeting will be held outdoors weather permitting, or in the Council Chamber is weather is inclement.
Village Roundtable Meetings
The purpose of Roundtable meetings is to provide an informal forum for community members and Council members to discuss topics related to the wellbeing, quality of life and economic health of the community. Discussions will not result in any recommendations to Council nor be presented to Council or staff for action. View the Roundtable terms of reference.
Closed Portion of a Meeting
Under section 90 of the BC Community Charter, municipal councils may meet in closed meeting to discuss certain subject matters, such as personal information, labour relations, law enforcement, land acquisition, and legal advice. These closed meetings are sometimes called In Camera meetings. Council must close a meeting by resolution giving the basis which the meeting or part is to be closed.
Delegations to Council
An individual or group of people are welcome to request to appear as a delegation before Council at a regular meeting to make a presentation, submit a request for action, register a complaint, or provide updates or information to Council about issues, projects, or programs that fall within the jurisdiction of Council.
A written request via email to info@nullcumberland.ca must be received at the Village Hall by 4:30 p.m. on the Tuesday before the meeting requested. The request should specify
- the names of the proposed speakers,
- the topic of discussion,
- any action or resolution specifically requested of the Council, and
- the date of the preferred meeting.
Arrangements may be made to have your delegation presented at the next available meeting.
Delegations are limited to 15 minutes, unless a longer period is agreed to by resolution of Council. At the meeting, Council will receive the information and requests. Any Council action, resolution, or decisions will be considered by the Council at a later meeting.
Committees of Council
Accessibility and Inclusion Committee
Advisory Planning Commission
Heritage Committee
Homelessness and Affordable Housing Committee