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New Highway Sign Invites You to Explore Legendary Cumberland

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Travelers along the Inland Island Highway in the Comox Valley are now invited to explore the Village of Cumberland and everything it has to offer. The Village of 3900 has a new highway entrance sign welcoming you to the legendary community. The sign portrays the uniqueness of the Village, its rich and gritty history, and the future that is the new Cumberland.


Cumberland has always been an out-of-the-way destination for history enthusiasts and campers at Cumberland Lake Park. In recent years, Cumberland has been drawing visitors to its eclectic music scene and 80 km of forest trails. calls Cumberland “a premiere mountain biking destination” and identifies Cumberland as one of four international top ride spots with “unparalleled riding options… making Cumberland the true epicenter of mountain biking on Vancouver Island”.

The sign’s visual design took cues from Cumberland’s industrial and labour history as well as today’s vibrant main street and its identity as a hub of outdoor recreation. Cumberland’s iconic coal miner’s pick and shovel featured on the sign connects the past with present-day: these are the same tools used by locals to build and maintain the community’s exceptional single-track mountain bike trails. And the bold contrasts of burgundy and coal black along with words of action make a modern impression and send the message that this little Village punches above its weight.

“We tried to create a sign that’s welcoming and unique at the same time,” noted Mayor Leslie Baird. “We also wanted to give a real sense of the Village’s character. The colours, the image and the words are all working toward those goals. The sign stands out – a real representation of the Village.”

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