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Official Community Plan Amendment

This page was last reviewed on November 6, 2024.

An Official Community Plan (OCP) is the highest-level policy document for a local government – it informs and guides how the community grows for the next 20+ years. It integrates policies on the future use and management of lands, municipal facilities, servicing, utility and transportation systems, environmental stewardship, economic development, and protective services to set out a clear path for Council, staff and the community to follow. Municipalities have the authority to develop an OCP under British Columbia’s Local Government Act. The policies in the OCP guide the Zoning Bylaw land use regulations.

When is an Official Community Plan Amendment Needed?

An OCP amendment application is required when a proposed development does not align with the objectives and policies outlined in the OCP or conform to the land use designation(s) of the OCP. An OCP amendment is the process of legally changing the land use designation on a parcel of land through an amending bylaw. Approval from Council is required to make any amendments, as well as a formal application and a public hearing.

How to Apply

Please review the Official Community Plan Application Guide. Next, contact the Development Services Department to discuss your proposal. This will help determine if a formal pre-application meeting is required.

Further Information and Forms

Questions? Contact the Development Services Department at: 250-336-2291 or email us at

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