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Outdoor Burning

This page was last reviewed on September 20, 2024.

Small Recreational Fires (Campfires) within the Village

A permit is required for small recreational fires. Permits are free of charge and are valid for the calendar year. Permits are not valid when there is a burning ban in effect and may be revoked by the Fire Chief.

Small recreational campfires must burn clean dry wood and

  • Be no larger than 0.5m (1.5 ft) in diameter
  • Be contained within a CSA approved fire appliance or a fire ring fitted with a screen of 9.5 mm (3/8 inch) or smaller mesh to restrict any sparks or flying debris
  • Be located at least 1.5m from any vegetation or combustible material
  • Be located at least 3m from any building, structure or fuel supply tank

Burning Permits for the Rural Cumberland (Royston) Fire Protection Area

The Village of Cumberland issues permits for the residents not located within the Village but within the Rural Cumberland Fire Protection Area, which includes much of Royston (CVRD). View the map of ‘Rural Cumberland Fire Protection Area’.

For those located outside of the village, but within the Rural Cumberland Fire Protection Area, please complete the application below and return to the Village office by email or to the Village office at 2673 Dunsmuir Avenue.

Land Clearing Fires – please contact Cumberland Fire Rescue

Prohibited Materials

It is an offence to burn the following materials:

  • Garbage
  • Plastic
  • Wire insulation
  • Rubber products
  • Petroleum treated materials
  • Petroleum by-products
  • Asphalt and asphalt shingles
  • Asbestos-containing materials
  • Treated wood
  • Animal or vegetable matter
  • Animal remains
  • Any substance that emits heavy black smoke, noxious odours or hazardous air contaminants
  • Any material prohibited by the BC Environmental Management Act

Air Quality and Recreational Fires

Burning your recreational fire hot and dry will help reduce impacts on the Village’s air quality. Please burn clean dry wood only. You can also check the venting index for Central Vancouver Island for a “good” or “fair” burning day.

Land-Clearing Fires and Yard Waste Fires

Land-clearing and yard waste fires are no longer permitted in the Village of Cumberland. Find out more about disposing of yard waste through your curbside solid waste collection.

Exceptions include:

  • land-clearing fires that are for forestry management purposes and on Private Managed Forest Land; Municipalities do not have the authority to ban forestry activities.
  • municipal burning, however the Village is using alternate methods to disposal of wood waste

Report a Fire Complaint

To report any kind of fire complaint or emergency, dial 911. If it is not an emergency, tell the 911 operator that it is a fire non-emergency. Callers will then be connected to the fire department duty officer.

For more information about outdoor burning, call the Village office at 250-336-2291 or the Fire Department at 250-336-2531.

Fire Danger Rating

The Wildlife Management Branch publishes fire danger rating information on their web site updated year round.

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