Residents Encouraged to Use Water Wisely
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Residents are asked to follow stage 1 restrictions and water wisely. This will help to ensure the community has sufficient water supply through to the end of summer and into the fall.
Water levels in the surface water reservoirs are dropping but are currently at sufficient levels for this time of year. Find out when, what and how you can water during Stage 1 restrictions.
Residents may water drought-stressed trees. Signs of drought stress include drooping leaves and poor leaf colour. A water-stressed tree is an easy target for pests and diseases. Watering deeply and less frequently with a tree bag, slow drip from a hose, or micro-irrigation will help trees stay healthy and helps develop strong root systems. Water early in the morning or in the evening to conserve soil moisture. A new tree should be watered with about 50 litres each week in dry weather (about 15 gallons a week) which would cost pennies a week (residential water consumption charge is $0.66 per m3).
Find out more about water conservation and water restrictions.
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