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Temporary Use Permit

This page was last reviewed on October 28, 2024.

A Temporary Use Permit (TUP) is a permit issued by Council that can be used to address non-permanent and unique development proposals. A TUP may allow a use not permitted by the Village’s Zoning Bylaw, specify conditions under which the temporary use may be carried on, or allow and regulate the construction of buildings or structures in respect of the use for which the permit is issued. The objective of TUPs is to:

  • Avoid conflicts between different types of uses (i.e., residential, commercial, and industrial)
  • Provide for temporary approval of transition uses, or uses where uncertainty exists.
  • Respect appropriateness or viability of the use where it is premature to decide upon rezoning and long-term land use rights.
  • Ensure that TUPs are not considered a substitute for a rezoning application.

When is a Temporary Use Permit Needed?

The Official Community Plan (OCP) allows for the application of TUPs in all designations within the limits of the Village Boundaries. However, TUPs are considered in unique circumstances for uses that are temporary in nature, and where a TUP is deemed by the Village to be the most suitable planning tool available to accommodate a desired use.

How to Apply

Please review the Temporary Use Permit Application Guide. Next, contact the Development Services Department to discuss your proposal. This will help determine if a formal pre-application meeting is required.

Further Information and Forms

Questions? Contact the Development Services Department at: 250-336-2291 or email us at

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