Notice: Before you develop or build on a property, you may need to apply for permits and obtain all necessary approvals. You may contact Building and Development staff at the Village Office before submitting your application by emailing or calling 250-336-2291.
The community’s vision for future land use and community development is determined by the Official Community Plan, the regulations in the Zoning Bylaw, and other bylaws, guides and tools.
Building and Plumbing Permits
The Village of Cumberland issues permits for building construction, plumbing installations, woodstoves, fireplaces and inserts.
Current Land Development Applications
Learn about what significant development applications are being considered in the Village, including upcoming public hearings.
Zoning Bylaw No. 1027, 2016
The Zoning Bylaw regulates the use and density of land, buildings and structures, the siting and size of buildings and structures, and the size of parcels that may be created by subdivision.
Official Community Plan Bylaw No. 990, 2014
An official community plan is a statement of objectives and policies to guide decision making by Council and staff on planning and land use management.
Links to maps used for zoning, development and planning in the Village.
Cumberland’s Heritage
Coal, labour activism, immigration, resource booms and busts, rebirth. What more could you want?
Subdividing Property
Find our more about the subdivision process in Cumberland.
Development Permits
A development permit may be required in addition to a building permit for certain building and development.
Development Variance Permits
A development variance permit approved by Council may vary zoning and subdivision requirements.
Heritage Alteration Permits
A heritage alteration permit is required to alter a property located in the Historic Village Commercial Core.
Zoning Amendment
OCP and Rezoning application requests occur in accordance with the Development Procedures and Fees bylaw.
Development Cost Charges Bylaw No. 1173, 2022
A bylaw to establish development cost charges applicable for development.
Trees in the Village
Information about trees on boulevards and tree regulation.
Plans, Reports and Studies Library
A collection of studies and master plans about municipal infrastructure and services.
Bylaw Directory
A list and links to some of the Village’s most used bylaws.