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Trees in the Village

This page was last reviewed on September 18, 2024.

Trees are important within the urban core and in the Village generally, for their contributions to the aesthetics and health of the community and its environment. The Village respects the interests of neighbours and adjacent property owners in preserving views and privacy, and at the same time recognizes the value of trees for their historical significance in the Village and for providing wildlife protection and habitat.

Trees on Public Land (boulevards)

Residents are asked not to plant trees or shrubs on public boulevards and road rights-of-way, under power lines, or within vehicle sight lines.

A tree on Village property may only be trimmed by Village employees or contractors, or removed by employees or contractors of the Village when

  • deemed by the Chief Administrative Officer their designate, to be an immediate hazard;
  • it is dead, diseased or in danger of falling;
  • it is causing substantial damage to or interference with public or private services, infrastructure or utilities, in the opinion of the CAO, or
  • authorized by a resolution of Council

Please contact the Village office at 250-336-2291 or by email to inquire about a tree on public property.

Urban Forest Management Plan

The Village of Cumberland completed an Urban Forest Management Plan in November 2019. You can find the plan in the Plans, Reports and Studies Library.

“Urban forest” is a term used to include forested ecosystems and individual trees found within the urban landscape. This includes natural forests, street trees, park trees and individual trees growing on public and private property.

The plan will be implemented over a 20-year time frame (2020 – 2040). The purpose of the plan is to guide the Village in the management and preservation of its urban forest so the community can enjoy the benefits of trees now and into the future.

Significant Trees

Significant trees are those that are

  • are part of an interesting story,
  • are large and old,
  • are part of an interesting grove or row,
  • are an unusual species, or
  • provide habitat value for birds and other creatures.


Civic Address


Common Name

2844 Bruce Street

Populus tremuloides

Trembling Aspen

4671 Cumberland Road

Chamaecyparis lawsoniana

False Cypress

2690 Derwent Avenue

Aesculus hippocastaneum

Horse chestnut

2696 Derwent Avenue

Ulmus glabra ‘Camperdownii’

Camperdown Elm

2763 Derwent Avenue

Acer macrophyllum

Big Leaf Maple

2782 Derwent Avenue

Araucaria araucana

Monkey Puzzle Tree

2723 Dunsmuir Avenue

Chamaecyparis lawsoniana

False Cypress

2750 Dunsmuir Avenue

Taxus baccata

English Yew

Ailanthus altissima

Tree of Heaven


2660 Dunsmuir Avenue

Sequoiadendron giganteum



Populus trichocarpa

Black Cottonwood

3303 First Street

Larix kaempferi

Japanese Larch


2706 Maryport Avenue

Acer macrophyllum

Big Leaf Maple

2731 Maryport Avenue

Picea sp.


2732 Maryport Avenue

Chamaecyparis lawsoniana

False Cypress

2738 Maryport Avenue

Abies grandis

Grand Fir

2792 Penrith Avenue

Acer macrophyllum

Big Leaf Maple

Pinus monticola

Western White Pine


2696 Windermere Avenue

Gleditsia triacanthos

Honey Locust


A – Historical

B – Heritage single, group or row

C – Rare

D – Unique in form of growth

E – Outstanding in age, size or specimen

F – Landmark Tree(s)

Tree Bylaws

The Village is reviewing options to protect trees on private property in Cumberland.

Tree protection bylaws can regulate trees in many different ways based on community preferences and values. Some communities choose to require permits to remove many types of trees across all properties, while others focus on restricting removals or requiring replacement trees on large, forested properties or developing properties. For updates on the Tree Protection Bylaw development process, please see here.

In regards to lands surrounding the Village that are designed private managed forest, the BC Private Managed Forest Land Act does not permit a local government to do anything that would have the effect of restricting, directly or indirectly, a forest management activity. This means that the Noise Control Bylaw, or any tree regulation bylaw, or any other bylaw cannot apply to managed forest land.

Noise Control Bylaw

Cumberland does regulate noise in the Village in the Noise Control Bylaw. Please be mindful of your neighbours when using equipment to remove trees and other material.

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