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Water Supply Capital Improvements Parcel Tax Notice

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Cumberland property owners should have received a notice in the mail about a new “Water Supply Capital Improvements Parcel Tax”.

All parcels in the Village (except those that do not have access to the water service) are subject to this new parcel tax, which will go towards paying the debt for the Village’s share of the capital costs of improvements to our drinking water system.

In 2017, the Village was fortunate to receive funding in the amount of $4.9 million for these projects, which covered 83% of the capital costs of the projects. All projects are now complete and go a long way to provide safe drinking water and a secure system for the community:

  • A new ultraviolet (UV) sterilization water treatment system and treated water reservoir
  • Steven’s Lake Dam and No.2 Dam stabilization projects
  • water main twinning project

The Village was required to make these upgrades to the system to meet Island Health’s requirements for safe drinking water through the adequate removal or inactivation of pathogenic organisms that may be present in raw water. To do so, a second treatment method was necessary for the drinking water system, in addition to chlorination. The ultraviolet disinfection neutralizes bacteria and parasites such as Giardia and Cryptosporidium that can cause water-borne diseases.

Property owners will see this new parcel tax on their annual property tax notice, which is usually issued at the end of May each year. The parcel tax was originally estimated at $63-74 per parcel, however with the current low interest rates, the parcel tax will be $45.09 for the first five years. The tax may be imposed for up to 20 years, and the rate and the term may change subject to the interest rate available on debt.

Information on the projects and the parcel tax was included in the

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If you believe there is an error or omission regarding the parcel tax roll for this Water Supply Capital Improvements Parcel Tax please contact the Tax Collector at 250-336-2291 or

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