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Cemeteries Master Plan 2014

This page was last reviewed on September 20, 2024.

In 2014 the Village prepared a Master Plan report for the cemeteries in the Village of Cumberland. Cumberland Council will discuss policy decisions at a future time. View the plan report.

Goals of the Master Plan

The goal of the Master Plan is to guide the development, use, and provision of a range of cemetery services in a fiscal and environmentally sustainable manner over the next 30 years. The plan focuses on

  • interment options
  • land use planning and design,
  • financial planning,
  • marketing, and
  • conservation management.

The Cumberland Cemetery receives primary focus in the plan, and the Chinese and Japanese cemeteries are provided with a basic review that focuses on community heritage and conservation management. The next stage of the Master Plan process will be determining how the Village of Cumberland is to move forward on the recommendations provided in the plan.

View the complete full resolution Master Plan.

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