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Business Licences

This page was last reviewed on December 5, 2024.

Business Licenses

A business, including a home-based business, must be a permitted use of the zone of the parcel in the Zoning Bylaw.

A license is required for all businesses operating in the Village of Cumberland.

A business license is valid from January 1 to December 31. For new businesses that are issued a license after June 30, the fee is reduced by 50%.

A business is defined as a commercial or industrial undertaking of any kind or nature or the providing of professional, personal, or other services for the purpose of gain or profit, but does not include an activity carried on by any government, its agencies, or government-owned corporations.

Mobile businesses have the option of applying for an additional inter-community business license by using the forms below.

Regular Business License Application

Please contact the Village for Home Occupation and Vacation Rental Business Licence Applications. Completed applications can be emailed to or dropped off at the Village office.


License fee: $110 per year

Inter-community business license fee (optional): $150

Upon initial application and/or renewal, the following fees may be imposed:

  • Fire and Safety Inspection: $100
  • Criminal Record Check: $40
  • Building Inspection: $50

Find out more about fee payment options.


Invoices to renew your licenses for the following year are mailed to you in November each year. To renew your license, the fee must be paid by December 15.

Cannabis Retail Sales

Cannabis retail sales require a temporary use permit to meet land use requirements as well as a business license. View the Cannabis Retail Sales policy for more information. Check the Village’s Bids and Tenders page for cannabis retail sales requests for proposals or contact planning staff at the Village office at 250-336-2291 for more information.

Home Based Businesses

A business license is required to operate a home based business in the Village of Cumberland. Please check with the Village whether your businesses is a permitted use in the Zoning Bylaw. Regulations for different types of businesses and signage are also set out in the Zoning Bylaw.


License fee: $110 per year

Upon initial application and/or renewal, the following fees may be imposed:

  • Fire and Safety Inspection: $100
  • Criminal Record Check: $40
  • Building Inspection: $50

Inter-Community Business Licenses

Cumberland is participating in a inter-community business license program. Find out more about this optional license for mobile businesses.

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