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Liquor Licence Application for 2732 Dunsmuir Avenue

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The opportunity to submit written comments on this application to the Village is now closed.

A liquor license application for Manufacturing Facility Structural Change to permit an increase in Occupant Load, changes to the manufacturing facility, and the addition of an a new secured storage area located at 2730 Dunsmuir Avenue.

You may provide written comment on this application to the Village office by mail, by email, or by fax to 250-336-2321. All submissions should be received by 9:00am on Friday June 15th in order to be included in the staff report to be considered by Council. Please include your name and residential/business address in your correspondence.

Any comments received, will be summarized in a report, which will be considered at the Monday June 25, 2018 Council meeting. At that meeting, Council is required to consider:

  1. The potential for noise if the application is approved.
  2. The impact on the community if the application is approved.
  3. The views of the residents and a description of the method used to gather views.
  4. Council’s recommendation (including whether or not the application be approved) and the reasons on which the recommendation is based.

For more information and to view the application view Land Development Applications.

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