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Notice of Forestry Activities around Allen Lake

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The map above shows the affected trails and the location of harvest activities, in orange.

Mosaic is advising the community that they will be commencing their planned harvesting in an area adjacent to the Village of Cumberland. These operations will take place in and around mountain bike trails adjacent to Allen Lake in the several weeks. This schedule is dependent on weather.

Logging trucks will also travelling on roads through this area. Please ride at slower speeds in these areas and watch for big trucks!

For your safety during these times please avoid the use of the these trails, general area and respect all signage. Hours of operation will be Monday to Friday 6am to 5pm.

View Mosaic’s Cumberland Forestry Activities Info Sheet

Notification of Activities Cumberland Trails – UROC & Mosaic

FMI: Colin Koszman, Land Use Forester, Mosaic Forest Management at (250) 468-6831.

Local governments in BC have limited control over forest management activities on private managed forest land.

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