Solid Waste Schedule for Wednesday November 16, 2016
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On Wednesday November 16, 2016, unlimited recycling and unlimited organics/yard waste to be collected from single family residences in Cumberland.
What goes in your curbside organics container:
- Meats, poultry and bones (cooked or uncooked)
- Fish and shellfish (cooked or uncooked)
- Grains and pasta, including bread,
- cereals, pizza, pastries & rice
- Dairy products, including cheese,
- yogurt, sour cream, butter, mayonnaise
- Eggs and shells
- Fruit and vegetable scraps
- Plate scrapings & food leftovers
- Food-soiled paper and cardboard
- Coffee filters, grounds and tea bags
- Yard waste
What stays out of your curbside organic container:
- Plastic, even if labeled biodegradable or compostable
- Coffee cups and lids
- Meat trays or other Styrofoam
- Fruit stickers, bread clips or ties
- Metal, rubber or glass
- Diapers or baby wipes
- Pet waste or kitty litter
- Dental floss, cotton swabs or balls
- Dryer sheets or lint
- Vacuum contents or bags
- Cigarettes and butts