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Spring Jump Park Maintenance at Village Park

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The grass is growing, the flowers are blooming, and the dirt will be flying. With the arrival of spring comes the annual Village Park jump park maintenance which includes reshaping and resurfacing the lines to keep the park running smoothly.

This year there will be significant works on the green line and pump track using a small machine to modify alignments and create a more consistent flow. The blue line will also be getting some love with refreshed table tops with the goal of better bridging the skills progression gap between the blue and black lines. The majority of works are expected to take place in mid-April with the goal of an end of April completion.

During these works we ask the public to respect the contractor’s hard work and safety by staying out of the construction area while they are performing their dirt wizardry. Users are reminded not to ride closed trails as it can make long-term maintenance much more difficult, and to avoid the park in muddy and wet conditions.

Thanks again to Earthwave Landscapes and Rhythm Bike Parks for the hard work and dedication to keeping this community asset in great shape.

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