Tree Protection Bylaw
This page was last reviewed on November 28, 2023.
The Village is reviewing options to protect trees on private property in Cumberland.
Have your say!
Share your feedback on values and options to regulate private trees in Cumberland!
Respond to the Tree Protection Bylaw survey by June 2nd:
On May 17 and May 18, 2023, the Village hosted public online meetings to provide information on the different bylaw options under consideration. You can view the public presentation below.
Findings from the community engagement will inform the recommendations for drafting a Tree Protection Bylaw, along with findings from the review of Village guiding policies, common approaches to tree regulations in neighbouring communities, and best practices.
A report recommending the approach for private tree regulation will be presented to Village Council in June 2023. Council will provide direction for the drafting of the bylaw. A draft of the Tree Protection Bylaw will be prepared and presented to Council in the summer.
Background Information
Trees contribute to Cumberland’s “Village in the forest” character and improve our quality of life. Forests and trees play a critical role in meeting recreational needs, providing habitat for wildlife, stimulating economic opportunities, and beautifying the community. They capture rainwater and return it to the soil, clean the air, shade and cool streets and buildings, stabilize steep slopes, and provide shelter from the wind.
The Village adopted an Urban Forest Management Plan in 2020 that identified a significant loss of tree canopy cover, mainly due to land development. To enhance the protection and management of its forests and tree despite expected population growth and development pressure, the Village is exploring options to develop a Tree Protection Bylaw.
Tree protection bylaws can regulate trees in many different ways based on community preferences and values. Some communities choose to require permits to remove many types of trees across all properties, while others focus on restricting removals or requiring replacement trees on large, forested properties or developing properties.
See here for more information about trees in the Village.
Committee of the Whole Report (March 27, 2023)
Committee of the Whole Presentation (March 27, 2023)
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