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Waste Wise App

This page was last reviewed on December 6, 2024.

Waste Wise is a free tool to remind residents about collection day. The app also send alerts about any collection delays.

Once the app has been downloaded onto your phone you can personalize when you want to receive the notification, either the night before or the morning of collection day.

Waste Wizard

One of the features of the Waste Wise app is Waste Wizard.

You can use the Wizard to look up various materials and the Wizard will tell you if it is recyclable, reusable or waste, and where it is accepted, i.e. at curbside, local depots, reuse facilities, or landfills. If the item isn’t found in the list you can use the suggestions feature to get it included.

You can also use the Wizard in the window below.

Download the App

Download Waste Wise onto your phone today by searching “Cumberland + CSWM Waste Wise” in your app store or clicking the link at the bottom of this page.

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