Accessibility and Inclusion Committee
This page was last reviewed on December 23, 2024.
The purpose of the committee is to act as a resource to council, village staff, and other community representatives as directed by Council on issues related to accessibility and inclusion in the Village of Cumberland.
The Accessibility and Inclusion Committee aims to collaborate, educate and advise on matters of accessibility and inclusion in the Village.
The Committee is a committee of Council tasked with making recommendations to Council:
- To promote social and political equity as follows:
- Participate in reviewing the Village of Cumberland’s draft plans, policies and procedures to prevent the creation of barriers in the future;
- Identify best practices in other communities and make recommendations based on the findings to promote social and political equity;
- Participate in reviewing the Village of Cumberland’s draft plans, policies and procedures to prevent the creation of barriers in the future;
- Draft a strategy for engaging with the community on issues relating to accessibility and inclusiveness;
- Work with Council to increase public awareness on issues related to accessibility and inclusion for all citizen
- A strategy to encourage and support owners of existing public and commercial buildings in making accessibility improvements.
- Review of community event manual with recommendations to make events more accessible; and outreach with special event coordinators.
- Consult with emergency planning staff on accessibility.
- Explore and investigate accessible tourism, and parks and trails mapping.
- Recognize businesses and community members who are engaging in efforts to make Cumberland a more inclusive and accessible place to live and visit.
- Matters referred to it by Council.
The Committee may also make recommendation to Village staff on Village facilities, service provision, and other matters upon request. View the Committee’s terms of reference.
Meeting Schedule
Meetings are typically held every second month on the third Monday at 3 p.m. in the Council Chambers at 2675 Dunsmuir Avenue
View meeting agendas and minutes.
Judy Norbury, Vice-chair
Brenda Lenahan
Jaye Mathieu
Rhianna Walz
Suzanna Wong