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First Water Rate Scenario to be Presented to Council on June 24th

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Consumption-based water rates will be imposed in 2014. Before that time, Council must determine how it will set the rates for the water utility.

At the June 24, 2013 Council meeting, Council will receive a presentation on an analysis of the cost of the water service and a preliminary water rate scenario. This presentation will be a starting point for Council discussion on determining an equitable water rate structure between residential, multi-family and commercial water users. The consultant will be seeking feedback and direction from Council to develop further rate analysis.

It is expected that the consultant will return to Council in August 2013 to present a water rate scenario which will be used for mock billing for water consumption from April to December 2013.

In late fall of 2013, Council will again be asked to review and approve the final rates to be used for water billing in 2014.

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