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Come together in the Village

A village is about community, about parents becoming friends while the little ones run through the sprinkler and make bike jumps in the driveway.

Take a walk down Dunsmuir Avenue any day of the week and you’ll be caught up in a sea of strollers, run bikes and young ones scrambling here and there. Families from all over have found a home and a community in the village, and the village has never been better.

Need to cool off in the summer? Try the water spray park. Want to learn to dance? The CRI’s got you covered. Here are a few of the spaces and events that Cumberland has created to nurture our little ones.

Here are a few pages from the site to get you started.

Village Park

There is something for everyone at Village Park.

Parks, Trails and Playgrounds

Come outside and see your neighbours.

Cumberland Lake Park

Visit Cumberland’s public beach and campground on Comox Lake.