Village Seeking Public Input into Transportation Master Plan
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Have your Say on Where Feet and Rubber hit the Road in Cumberland!
Do you think Dunsmuir Avenue should have one-way or two-way cycling facilities?
Should Fourth Street have parking on both sides, or a cycling lane instead? Or should Fourth Street be prioritized for pedestrian improvements?
Give us your feedback on these and similar questions by completing our online survey by June 23.
In addition, use our online mapping tool to identify opportunities for pedestrian and accessibility improvements in Cumberland, including where sidewalks should be added, where existing pedestrian facilities need upgrading, and where accessibility barriers are located in the Village.
Your feedback will help the Village redesign the transportation network and will inform the final list of recommendations within the Transportation Master Plan.
The Village would also like to extend a big thank you to all who participated in the Plan your Community Street Event on May 24and provided comments and ideas for Dunsmuir Avenue, Fourth Street and other transportation corridors in the Village. We had a great turn-out with over 175 residents participating!
More information on the Transportation Master Plan review process can be found here.
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