Crews Begin Pothole Patching
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With the coming of warmer weather also comes the time for Cumberland’s public works to start patching potholes. Winter is hard on Cumberland’s roads. Snow plowing and frost break up the asphalt and heavier rainfall further deteriorates the roads through the winter.
Crews keep a watchful eye for potholes and use cold patch asphalt as a temporary fix until the hot asphalt plant starts operation in late spring. It is during the summer that the asphalt contractors are brought in to make more permanent patching to the worst sections of our old roads.
This summer, the Village will be using an asphalt surface treatment called micro surfacing on Comox Lake Road and the southern portion of Union Road to extend the life of those roads. Other areas within the community will also be targeted for micro surfacing over the next four years. Micro surfacing is one of a few pavement management strategies used to extend the life of existing roads, and is a lower-cost treatment that helps seal the road and improve rideability.
Other road and underground utility projects are planned for 2020, and are currently being finalized. Find out more about upcoming Village projects.
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