Village of Cumberland Accepting Marijuana Dispensary Applications
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The Village of Cumberland Council passed the Marijuana-Related Business License Regulation Bylaw No. 1040 and the Business License Amendment Bylaw No. 1037, and approved the Medical Marijuana Dispensaries Policy on November 14, 2016. This means that there is now a framework and process for marijuana dispensaries to exist in the Village of Cumberland.
In order to open a marijuana dispensary in the Village of Cumberland, two applications are required: a Temporary Use Permit application, and a Business License application. There is also an application fee. Applications will be accepted until 4pm on Monday, January 16, 2017. All complete applications received on time will be reviewed together. The Village may approve up to two dispensary applications.
For more details about the new marijuana regulations, and to read the Marijuana-Related Business License Regulation Bylaw No. 1040, see the Medical Marijuana Dispensaries page.
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